Journal of Radiology in Medicine is an international journal that published original research and articles in all areas of radiology. Its publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial commentaries, letters to the editor, educational articles, and conference/meeting announcements.

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Cover and Contents

Full Issue

Original Article - Interventional Radiology

Comparison of percutaneous liver aspiration biopsy and tru-cut biopsy results

: 27 : 16

Citation : Özdemir A, Bekin Sarıkaya PZ, Gül Ö, Zergeroğlu S. Comparison of percutaneous liver aspiration biopsy and tru-cut biopsy results. J Radiol Med. 2025;2(1):1-5.

: 22 : 16

Citation : Sağlık S, Nas N. Determination of clinical, radiological and laboratory risk factors associated with the development of pulmonary embolism in patients with lower extremity deep vein thrombosis. J Radiol Med. 2025;2(1):6-11.

Original Article - Urogenital Radiology

mp-MRI of prostate gland with PI-RADS v2.1 assessment: correlation with fusion biopsy results

: 20 : 23

Citation : Güleryüz Kızıl P, Altan ŞA, Tarhan NÇ, Adsan Ö. mp-MRI of prostate gland with PI-RADS v2.1 assessment: correlation with fusion biopsy results. J Radiol Med. 2025;2(1):12-16.

: 22 : 13

Citation : Kesim Ç, Özen Ö, Yıldırım E. Fistula between splenic artery aneurysm and colon lumen as an unusual cause of lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding and endovascular treatment. J Radiol Med. 2025;2(1):17-19.

Case Report - Neuroradiology

Spinal meningitis and abscess associated with dermal sinus tract: a case report

: 28 : 19

Citation : Başakoğlu B, Şişman H, Karaman AK et al. Spinal meningitis and abscess associated with dermal sinus tract: a case report . J Radiol Med. 2025;2(1):20-22.