Journal of Radiology in Medicine is an international journal that published original research and articles in all areas of radiology. Its publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial commentaries, letters to the editor, educational articles, and conference/meeting announcements.

EndNote Style
Case Report
Spinal meningitis and abscess associated with dermal sinus tract: a case report
This case report discusses an 11-month-old male with a dermal sinus tract (DST) complicated by spinal meningitis and a long-segment intramedullary abscess. DSTs are rare congenital malformations that may remain asymptomatic until complicated by infections or neurological deficits. The patient was presented with prolonged fever and motor weakness in the extremities, leading to the discovery of a lumbosacral DST and associated abscess via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and contrast-enhanced spinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Prompt surgical excision of the DST, drainage of the abscess, and prolonged antibiotic therapy resulted in significant clinical improvement. This case underscores the importance of early recognition, advanced imaging, and aggressive management to mitigate the severe neurological consequences of DST-associated infections.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, 2025
Page : 20-22