Journal of Radiology in Medicine is an international journal that published original research and articles in all areas of radiology. Its publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial commentaries, letters to the editor, educational articles, and conference/meeting announcements.

EndNote Style
Case Report
Fistula between splenic artery aneurysm and colon lumen as an unusual cause of lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding and endovascular treatment
The patient, who had undergone a liver transplant 15 years prior due to autoimmune hepatitis and was subsequently followed for chronic portal hypertension, presented to our emergency department in the evening with abdominal pain and melena. This case report aims to present an uncommon cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding, which is a fistula between the splenic artery and the colon lumen, as well as the fistula's diagnostic process and endovascular treatment.

1. Zain AM, Sires AM, Al-Jawad M, Alkanj H. Ruptured giant splenic artery aneurysm with an exceptional concurrent gastric and transverse colonic fistula: a rare case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024;103(31):e39159. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000039159
2. Zhu Y, Xiong J, Liu F, Guo W. Splenic arteriovenous fistula accompanied by splenic artery aneurysm associated with acute-onset portal hypertension and gastrointestinal bleeding: case report and literature review. Ann Vasc Surg. 2022;78:378.e17-378.e22. doi:10.1016/j.avsg.2021.06.029
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2025
Page : 17-19