Journal of Radiology in Medicine is an international journal that published original research and articles in all areas of radiology. Its publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial commentaries, letters to the editor, educational articles, and conference/meeting announcements.

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Knowledge level of the community and healtcare workers about radiological examinations and harmful effects of radiation: a review
Patients, doctors, and radiology professionals are exposed to ionizing radiation in the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of radiology. Despite the proven harmful effects of medical radiological methods used for diagnosis and treatment, it is not possible to completely abandon these procedures. There is a lack of knowledge in the community about radiological examinations, the effects of radiation, and radiation protection. To increase awareness about radiation, it is essential to educate patients, enhance the education of healthcare students, and provide in-service training for all hospital staff. This way, knowledge levels can be improved, and the harmful effects of radiation can be minimized.

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Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 27-30