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Original Article
Evaluation of pneumatized structures and osteoma frequency in the paranasal region
Aims: The aim of our study was to evaluate the incidence of pneumatized structures in the paranasal region and the presence of osteomas.
Methods: Paranasal CT images obtained with Multislice (Philips) 64-slice computed tomography (CT) at Kırıkkale University Hospital in 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. Pneumatized variations and the presence of osteoma were evaluated.
Results: The images of 186 patients (93 female and 93 male) with paranasal CT were analyzed. The most common pneumatized variation was middle turbinate bullosa with 40.3%, and the least common was pneumatization of the nasal septum with 2.1%. Anterior clinoid pneumatization was observed in 23.1%, posterior clinoid pneumatization in 2.2%, pneumatization of the uncinate process in 4.9%, and crista galli pneumatization in 4.3%. The frequency of osteomas in the paranasal region was 3.2% (n=6).
Conclusion: Our study will provide a better understanding of paranasal anatomy by providing information about the frequency of pneumatized paranasal variations and the presence of osteomas. This will guide the surgeon in surgical planning and at the time of surgery.

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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 1-4